This unit is designed to teach us about the reasons and results that come from a variety of actions. To introduce this unit we will discuss the future. Get together with a partner or small group and discuss the following questions.

- What do you believe is the greatest modern invention? Why?
- Do you believe that your country spends enough time and money to discover new inventions?
- Describe what you think cell phones will be like in 5 years? 10 years?
- What are the advantages of technology?
- What are the disadvantages of technology?
- Do you think people should be allowed to clone people or organs of people? Why?
- Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress? Why?
- Do you think money should be spent to explore space or is it better spent helping people on earth? Why?
- What changes would you like to see science make to the world?
- Do you think that one day science will find a way to make people live forever? If so, do you think that that would be a good or a bad thing?
- How have technological advances affected our lives?
- Do you think couples should be allowed to choose the sex or other characteristics of their baby like eye color? Why or why not?
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.