Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Advice & Suggestions.
Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Students work in groups of three to four. They open the corresponding pages. On each page, students are presented with sentences in the second person, containing words or expressions that convey advice: should, ought to, or should have + past participle. During one student's turn, it is his or her job to act out the situation, trying to get their group to offer the advice listed on their page.
On Student One's page: You should / ought to study at the library.

I need your advice, guys. I live with two very noisy roommates. They are always home playing music or hanging out with friends. The noise is becoming a problem for me because it is difficult to study. What should I do?
You should use ear-plugs.

You should move.
You should study at the library.

That's it! I should study at the library.
- You should / ought to quit your job.
- You shouldn't break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
- You should have studied more.
- You should / ought to make some friends.
- You should / ought to stop smoking.
- You shouldn't have bought it.
- You should have gotten married.
- You should / ought to find a new roommate.
- You should / ought to call your mother.
- You should have gone to the hospital.
- You shouldn't tell your teacher.
- You should / ought to save your money.
- You should / ought to move.
- You shouldn't have eaten it.
- You should have paid your bill.
- You should / ought to spend less time in front of the computer.