Think of important events in your life. They could be big things or little things. Here some examples. Can you think of more?
- My difficult job
- When I met my best friend
- The best day ever
- How I got here
- A great day with my family
- My best mistake
Below is an example of freewriting. When you freewrite, you just write, write, write. You do not stop to think or correct. If you get stuck, you can repeat the last word you wrote until something else pops up.You just write whatever comes to mind.

It’s Friday - friday friday goody goody that means tomorrow is Saturday boy do I love Saturdays I can sleep I can sleep I can go to the mall I can go to the movies I can do what I want I can do what I did last week just do nothing. Just get up early couldn’t sleep can you believe that? Couldn’t sleep just sat on porch watched sunrise Daddy thought I was sick. Took us to breakfast - really neat. Wanted to take me fishing like when I was a little girl. That was fun remember catching the rubber boot. Kara fell in the lake. Went water skiing on that lake with Jim and Lily. Thought I’d drank half of lake fun when I finally stood up boy did my arms hurt next day.
As a paragraph, this has problems. As a freewriting, it is successful. The writer has mentioned three topics.
- She mentions a seemingly unimportant Saturday when she couldn’t sleep late.
- She mentions a fishing trip with her father and sister.
- She mentions learning to water ski.
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