Body paragraphs come after the introduction. They make up most of the essay. Usually, there are at least three body paragraphs in a standard academic essay, but there can be as many or as few body paragraphs as there are topics or main points.
A body paragraph begins with a topic sentence with a main idea, is followed by supporting detail sentences that explain and develop the main idea, and ends with a concluding sentence that restates the main idea and gives the paragraph a sense of closure.

Poaching is a major problem in all six inhabited continents; the largest concentration is in Africa. The most sought after animals in Africa are lions for their fur because the fur is very expensive, and elephants for their tusks because the ivory is worth a great deal of money. In Asia, the problem is mostly with rhinos. They are killed for their horns, which are worth more than their weight in gold. There used to be many species of them in the world, but now there are only 5 species left. Experts say that if the problem of poaching is not solved, many of these animals will be extinct in a few years.
- What is the topic of this paragraph?
- What are the supporting details?
- Is the main idea restated in the concluding sentence?
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.