Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a preview of Grammar - Verb Patterns #3.
Part One
Work with a partner and practice the following conversations. Use the recordings to help you with the pronunciation and intonation of the words. Try to mimic the style of the speakers.

A: What did you guys do at soccer practice today?
B: Um, nothing fun really. We did a lot of running and passing. Why?
A: No reason. Just wondering. What’s your coach like?
B: He’s a really nice person, but he expects us to win every game. He hates losing.
A: So what happens if you lose?
B: He usually makes our practices really difficult, like today’s. I think I lost five pounds today.

A: Do you like basketball?
B: Yeah, it’s cool I guess. There are some pretty talented athletes in the NBA.
A: Have you ever been to a game?
B: No, I haven’t. I hope to go - someday. I’ve heard it’s pretty amazing, like when they jump and dunk the ball.
A: Well, I have two tickets to the game tonight versus the Lakers, and my girlfriend’s sick.
B: Are you inviting me to go to the game with you tonight?
A: Yeah, are you free?
B: I am now. Thanks!

A: What are you doing tonight, Emma?
B: Ughhhh. Homework. My English teacher wants us to write a couple of paragraphs about our favourite sports. I hate sports.
A: You do? How come?
B: I don’t know. It’s just not my thing.
A: So you don’t like gym class?
B: Well, it’s better than math, but I prefer playing music in band class or painting in art. Do you like gym class?
A: Yeah, it’s my favourite.

A: Angela?
B: Hey!
A: John asked me to tell you about his party on Friday night.
B: Oh, yeah? Is it his birthday or something?
A: It is. He’d like you to come if you’re free.
B: Okay. Is it at his place or somewhere else?
A: Yeah, it's his place.
B: Cool. I’ll be there. Does he need me to bring anything?
A: No, just bring yourself.
B: Alright. Will do. Thanks.
Part Two
Look at the parts of the conversations that are in blue. These parts contain grammar that features the third verb pattern we will be studying in Unit Six. Can you see how this new verb pattern is different than the infinitive pattern studied in Grammar 6-2?