Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Modals of Certainty #1.
Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Students work in groups of three to four and open the corresponding pages below. On each page, students are presented with descriptive situations and the question, "What could you say?" Students take turns describing their situations, and their group should answer with the correct modal verb of probability.
The suggested answer is included under each situation.

Your friend, Jenna told you she would call this evening. Suddenly, the phone rings. Your roommate is going to answer the phone. What could you say?
It might be for me.

- You are eating a sandwich. The sandwich has white meat. You are not sure what it is. What could you say?
- It might / may / could be chicken.
- You used your credit card at a store five minutes ago. Now, you do not have your credit card. Where is it now? What could you say?
- It must be at the store.
- You charged your phone for ten hours last night. Now, it is morning. Your phone says it is only 10% charged. You think this is unbelievable. What could you say?
- It can't be only 10% charged!
- Your computer cannot connect to Facebook, but it can connect to other websites. You are sure your computer isn't broken. What could you say?
- My computer can't be broken / Facebook must be down.
- You want to buy a bottle of water at a store. The cashier tells you that the bottle of water is ten dollars. You think this is unbelievable. What could you say?
- It can't be ten dollars! It's just water!
- Yesterday, you ate lunch with Mike. He ate steak. Today, Mike says to you that he is a vegetarian. You think this is not true because you saw him eat steak yesterday. What could you say?
- You can't be a vegetarian! You ate steak yesterday!
- Your friend just said he is hungry. You think this is impossible because you ate lunch together one hour ago. What could you say?
- You can't be hungry!
- You want to go to the bank but it is 5:15pm. You decide to go to the bank tomorrow instead of today because there is a possibility that the bank is closed. What could you say?
- It might / may / could be closed.
- Your friend sometimes does not like sweet food. While you are eating a cookie, she asks you for a bite. You think it is possible she will not like the cookie. What could you say?
- You may / might not like it.
- Maria always comes to class. She is a very good student. Today, she is absent. You think the only possible reason for this is that she is sick. What could you say?
- She must be sick.
- You are with your friend at a movie theatre. You are looking at the movie posters, trying to decide which movie to see. Your friend wants to see a movie about ghosts. You think it is possible that that movie will scare you. What could you say?
- That movie may / might / could scare me.
- You are having dinner with your friends. When you are leaving, you see a jacket on a seat. Your friend Alex asks you whose jacket that is. You are sure that the jacket belongs to Mike because Mike was sitting in that seat. What could you say?
- It must be Mike's jacket.