All good paragraphs should have one idea, or one focus.
Paragraphs must always begin with a topic. This means that the first sentence should almost always contain your topic. We can call this sentence the topic sentence.
The following sentences should support the first sentence. These should flow smoothly, from one sentence to the next. We can call these sentences body or supporting sentences.
The final sentence should talk about the topic one more time, and also transition into the next paragraph. We can call this final sentence the concluding sentence.

Baseball is America’s national pastime. Baseball was developed around the time of the American Civil War, and the sport has been enjoyed by many Americans ever since. Professional baseball is one of the most watched sports in the country. While other sports have gained popularity over the years, baseball is still one of the premier sports league in North America. Tens of millions of fans attend games every summer. Even though there are many other options for entertainment, millions of Americans love baseball, and it remains the national sport.
The paragraph has one focus. All good paragraphs should have one focus. Good writers do not wander into different ideas. This concept is called “unity.” All paragraphs should have one major idea, and focus on that idea. In an essay, the last sentence in the paragraph should also transition to the next topic.
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