Vocabulary List
Word | Part of Speech | Example | |
alien [space] |
Noun | I'm not sure if I believe in aliens. | |
argue | Verb | Please stop arguing with me. I know I'm right. | |
astronaut | Noun | The astronaut is considered a hero in his country. | |
astronomer | Noun | Astronomers have discovered a new galaxy. | |
astronomy | Noun | You don't have to know much about astronomy to visit the Space Museum. | |
atmosphere | Noun | The Earth's atmosphere is what allows us to live here. | |
beast | Noun | A tiger is one of nature’s most dangerous beasts. | |
beyond | Adverb, Preposition | I wonder if humans will ever travel beyond our galaxy. | |
bizarre | Adjective | The smell of the food was really bizarre, so we didn't eat it. | |
build | Verb | Scientists want to build an elevator to space. | |
cable [rope] |
Noun | The cable isn't strong enough to pull the heavy machine. | |
comet | Noun | Last night, we saw a comet in the sky. | |
come up with | Phrasal Verb | We need to come up with a plan for tonight. | |
condition | Noun | My phone is in bad condition. I don't think I could get a lot of money for it if I tried to sell it. | |
consider [think about] |
Verb | Have you ever considered how much money you use per month on coffee? It must be a lot! | |
contain | Verb | This bottle contains 1 L of water. | |
currently | Adverb | I am currently studying vocabulary. | |
discuss | Verb | I don't like to discuss work while I'm eating. | |
distance | Noun | The distance between earth and the moon is about 384,000 KM. | |
earth | Noun | Earth is the third closest planet to the sun. | |
explore | Verb | I want to become an astronaut and explore Space. | |
extremely | Adverb | She was extremely lucky to find her earring on the ground. | |
figure out | Phrasal Verb | Let's figure out this problem later. | |
fuel | Noun | My car uses gasoline as fuel, but my wife's uses electricity. | |
galaxy | Noun | Astronomers discover new galaxies all the time. | |
gravity | Noun | Gravity caused the apple to fall from the tree. | |
immediately | Adverb | When we saw the car accident, we immediately called 9-1-1. | |
invest | Verb | Many people think investing in space travel is unnecessary. | |
lift | Verb | Can you lift this for me? It's really heavy. | |
limited | Adjective | You have so many choices for jobs in your country, but in mine, it is very limited. | |
liquid | Noun, Adjective | You are not allowed to bring liquids on an airplane these days. | |
material [substance] |
Noun | The material feels and looks like plastic. | |
matter [situation] |
Noun | May I ask for your help about a personal matter? | |
museum | Noun | The museum has a new exhibition about planets and galaxies. | |
planet | Noun | There are eight planets in the solar system. | |
poverty | Noun | There are many people living in poverty in our world. | |
priority | Noun | Space travel is a priority for the government. | |
professor | Noun | My astronomy professor is a wonderful teacher. | |
reject | Verb | The candy machine keeps rejecting my coins. I think it's broken. | |
resolve | Verb | There are many issues we need to resolve on our own planet before we start exploring others. | |
safety | Noun | The mother is always worried about her children's safety. | |
science fiction | Noun | I love watching science fiction movies like Star Wars and the Matrix. | |
security | Noun | Security is very strict at the airport. | |
shooting star | Noun | It is good luck to make a wish if you see a shooting star. | |
solar system | Noun | The solar system is the collection of the eight planets, moons, and sun. | |
solid | Noun, Adjective | Solid water is called ice. | |
spaceship | Noun | Only spaceships can travel to other planets. | |
stretch [to make long] |
Noun, Verb | Stretch the bandage tight around the injured wrist. | |
support [weight] |
Verb | The chair broke because it couldn't support my weight. | |
surely | Adverb | He will surely call if he is going to be late. | |
surround | Verb | Islands are surrounded by water. | |
telescope | Noun | The most important tool of an astronomer is his or her telescope. | |
topic | Noun | The topic of the lesson was very strange. | |
towards | Preposition | They are walking towards the beach. | |
tower | Noun | The Eiffel Tower in Paris is the most famous tower in the world. | |
UFO | Noun | I think we saw a UFO in the sky. | |
universe | Noun | There are billions of planets in the universe. | |
weigh | Verb | John weighs 75 kg. |