This unit is about the unexplained events in our lives. The goal of this unit is to enhance our speaking and listening ability by using media and topics surrounding the unexplained. We are going to talk about topics such as: myths, ghosts, urban legends and mystical animals. Get together with a partner or small group and discuss the following questions.

- Do you believe in ghosts? If you do or don't, why?
- What is the scariest ghost story that you know?
- Can you remember or recall any strange or unexplained events in your life?
- What are some superstitions in your country? Do you believe in any superstitions?
- Do you know anyone that has ever been to a psychic? Do you believe they can see the future?
- Do you believe that UFOs exist? Why or why not?
- Do you believe there is life on other planets?
- Do you believe in witches? Why or why not?
- What is the most frightening things that has ever happened to you?
- Do you know any scary myths from your country? Do you believe in them?
- Are there any famous mystical animals from your country? What is the story behind them?
- If you saw something unexplained life a UFO or ghost, but you had no proof, what would you do?
You will now select two questions to write in more detail about. Open up the attached exercise and write a detailed response to two of the previous questions.