Most of the buildings that we see around us are very functional. They are designed to serve a purpose. But it is not often that you get to see a truly unique building! There are some buildings around the world that are unlike any other you can usually see.

This strange and distinctive building can be found in Sopot, Poland. It is part of a shopping centre, but it looks like it came out of a classic fairy tale! The designers were inspired by old fairy tale illustrations and drawings by other Polish artists. To add that magical touch, the house has been garnished with green tiles which look like dragon scales. The building was finished in 2004 and many tourists come from all over the world to see The Crooked House.

From one side, the Kansas City Library looks like just an average library. But if you go to the other side, you will see something that no other library in the world has: 22 giant books! These books are as tall as the whole building, and cover the entire facade. All the books that are on display are real, existing books. The library surveyed hundreds of people in the local community to find the most popular books. The local residents voted for the ones they wanted on the wall. Now, they can go find their favourite book and read it next to a giant copy of its cover!

This next bizarre house looks just like a normal house except for one small difference. What could the difference be? Oh, right. It's upside down! Not only is the house upside down, but so are all the contents! Many visitors have claimed that being in the house is a disorienting and dizzying experience. Would you like to take up residence in this home?

Many hotels have beautiful fountains and water displays welcoming guests, but this hotel takes its love for water to a different level. The Poseidon Undersea Resort is the first hotel in the world located on the sea floor! It was built 40 feet under the water in a lagoon off the coast of Fiji. The water is said to be crystal clear.

In their rooms, guests will be able to enjoy the changing scenery filled with sharks and fish. The rooms all have airtight windows installed so you don't have to worry about drowning in your hotel room!

The Blue Mosque is located in Istanbul. It is a very old landmark, and it draws in many visitors each year. The Blue Mosque most likely got its name from some of its construction materials. It boasts over 20,000 blue tiles and 260 stained-glass windows. This iconic building is made with the amalgamation of Ottoman and Byzantine styles.

Look at this elliptical building; many people say it looks like a flying saucer. It's actually a museum called Niterói Contemporary Art Museum. This museum is situated in Brazil. It contains mainly contemporary art from the twentieth century. Its design was considered to be very bold and different. The circular and glass facade allows visitors to enjoy its surrounding 360-degree views.

As time goes by many buildings will face demolition. Or we will lose some of these buildings due to natural disasters. These buildings are part of history, and they reflect different cultures. It is important to rebuild or restore damaged parts instead of demolishing the building. With extra care, these iconic buildings and landmarks can stand for decades or even centuries to come.