Many people around the world do things to diminish their negative impact on the environment. People can recycle, ride a bike, plant trees, and do so much more.

There isn't a clear guideline for what an ecocity looks like. But there are many basic features that many people think ecocities should have. Ecocities should be self-sufficient. These cities should rely on their land to feed and power the residents.

Cities are trying to avoid using incinerators to burn their trash. Burning waste can release toxins and pollutants into the air, soil, and water, which can damage our brains and kidneys. The answer is to avoid making trash in the first place.

Other features can include using renewable resources, having a high walkability score, and being efficient with power and water. Some cities will give a lot of space to gardens, farms, parks, and allotments. There are still many things cities can do to be more eco-friendly. There are many cities around the world that are at the forefront of green developments.

Vancouver, Canada is home to more than half a million people. It is one of the greenest cities in the world. This stunning city is surrounded by mountains and water. Many outdoorsy people love what the city has to offer. With all of this nature, it is not surprising that Vancouver harnesses some of its energy. The growing metropolis gets 90% of its power from hydroelectric energy. Vancouver also has an efficient and well-used public transit system with buses and trains.

The city of Vancouver also has systems in place to help its residents recycle and compost. It plans to convert inedible food to fuel. It also wants to repair products to maximize their use before recycling them. Vancouver has a goal to be zero waste by 2040.

Curitiba, Brazil is known for having one of the best public transit systems in the world. The system is made entirely of buses, and it hosts the first bus rapid transit system in the world. In Curitiba, buses are fast, frequent, and reliable. It is estimated that over 80% of citizens in Curitiba use the buses every day.

The city also boasts many public parks and green spaces. If you ever go to Curitiba, you might see some strange guests at some local parks. The city has an 'urban sheep' program where they use sheep instead of machines to cut the grass. Now that's really green!

The city of Portland in Oregon, USA, is the leader of eco-friendly lifestyles in the United States. The city has many plans put in place to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This includes thoroughfare bike routes that encourage residents to give their cars a break.

Reykjavík, Iceland is also a very green city. The houses are powered 100% by renewable energy sources. Thanks to all the natural power provided by waterfalls, volcanoes, and geysers nearby, the city now relies on natural energy for all its heating and power. And for a city in Iceland, that's a lot of heat to provide!

How green is your city? Ecocity Builders has developed a framework that allows cities to assess their ecological health. It measures holistic urban health, which emphasizes urban, social, and economic conditions. It provides tools, training, and information for cities that want to become ecocities.

A city doesn't become green overnight. It starts with its residents. It has to do with making eco-conscious choices. Recyclers can take the initiative and keep recyclables out of the landfill. Many cities are making strides and goals to become greener. You have the voice to make your city greener too.