Fun and interesting sports do not always involve extreme and aerobatic moves. How about activities that combine two different sports? Or a sport that uses equipment we would normally find in the kitchen? Here are some offbeat sports!

You might have played chess before, and you probably know what boxing is, but have you ever thought of doing both at the same time? Chess boxing is a new hybrid sport that is quickly growing in popularity. Chess boxing tests both the participants' physical and mental abilities. In chess boxing, participants go through alternating rounds of chess and boxing. They have to be good at both, because the game can be won either by checkmate or by a knockout. If there is still no clear winner after a full match of eleven rounds, it is up to the judges to declare a winner by giving them points for each boxing round.

We usually don't think of cups as sports equipment. But that's not the case with sport stacking or cup stacking. The players have to stack 9 or 12 cups in predetermined sequences. They need to do so as quickly as possible. These cups are designed just for this sport. They are reinforced with ridges on the inside to prevent them from sticking together when the cups are nestled. Players can compete against the clock or with other opponents.

Wife-carrying is a sport where the male players try to finish an obstacle course as quickly as possible. But it's not that simple. These competitors must complete the course while carrying a female teammate. There are different ways to carry the female teammate, with the most popular being the classic piggyback and the fireman's carry.

There are a number of rules and criteria set by the International Wife Carrying Competition Rules Committee. The obstacle course has to have both dry parts and a wet part. The female teammate does not need to be the actual wife of the male opponent, but she must be over 17 years old and weigh at least 49 kg.

If you like jogging and juggling, then the next sport is for you. Joggling combines both jogging and juggling. These competitors usually juggle 3 balls or clubs. Anyone can compete, but they have to be able to juggle proficiently.

There is a small fee that each registrant needs to pay in order to enter the event. The joggler must juggle and jog at the same time. If an object falls, the joggler must go back to where the object was dropped and start from there.

Offbeat sports aren't just for humans. Dog surfing is a kind of surfing maneuver for dogs. These dogs are trained to surf different kinds of surfboards. They can surf alone or with a human.

The Noosa Surfing Dog Championships is an invitational competition. The dogs and the humans have to work together and stand up on paddleboards. The team that catches the best waves wins. Some of these competitions are also fundraiser events. They raise money for animal rescue groups and other non-profit organizations.

Bossaball combines volleyball, football, and gymnastics with music. There are two teams of four players. The game is played on an inflatable court with a net in the middle. There is also a trampoline on both sides of the net. The trampoline allows the players to jump up high and spike the ball. If it is done correctly, then the ball will go straight down the other side of the net, resulting in a point.

What do you think? Will you become a participant in one of these amazing and strange new sports?