This unit is designed to allow you to improve your abilities in debate, persuasion, research and listening. Get together with a partner or small group and discuss the following statements. Explain your opinion.

- Using animals in medical research helps people
- Women will never be equal to men in the workplace
- You can’t have a happy family life and a successful career at the same time
- Marriage is outdated
- Celebrities earn too much money
- Military service should be obligatory
- War is never an option for solving international disputes
- We are becoming too dependent on computers
- Smoking should be banned worldwide
- Homework is a waste of time
- Soft drugs should be legalized.
- You will be happier if you stay unmarried
- Software piracy is not really a crime
- Video games contribute to youth violence
- The drinking age should be lowered
- Cloning has a lot of benefits
- Corporal punishment should be allowed in schools.
Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.