Word | Part Of Speech | Example |
activist | Noun | Many environmental activists are protesting the government’s decision to cut down the forest. |
admirable | Adjective | His actions were selfless and admirable. |
arms | Noun | Nuclear arms are only possessed by eight countries. |
charity | Noun | If you do not have money to spare, you can always donate your time to charities and volunteer. |
climate | Noun | The city has a very wet climate. |
commonplace | Adjective | A long time ago, that hairstyle was considered strange. Now, it is quite commonplace. |
comprehend | Verb | It is hard to comprehend what life must be like in that country. |
conflict | Noun | There are religious conflicts in many parts of the world. |
coral reef | Noun | There is a beautiful and famous coral reef in Australia. |
curious | Adjective | What she said was really curious. I need to find out more! |
demonstration | Noun | Activists are planning a demonstration for this afternoon. I am sure the roads will be blocked. |
desirable | Adjective | She lives in a very desirable area of the city. |
diversity | Noun | The diversity of wildlife in this forest is just amazing! |
donate | Verb | She often donates money and time to charitable organizations. |
drastically | Adverb | His health drastically improved when he quit smoking. |
exterminate | Verb | An exterminator visited my home last week to get rid of the mice. |
feasible | Adjective | Buying a new computer every year is not very feasible. |
frank | Adjective | Can I be frank with you? Can I borrow $200 please? |
glacier | Noun | We climbed a glacier last month. It was incredible! |
global warming | Noun | The world’s weather patterns are changing due to global warming. |
harmony | Noun | It is difficult in our society to live in harmony with nature. |
impact | Noun | The popularity of beef has a large, negative impact on the environment |
indicate | Verb | The report indicated that many people are getting tired of the current government. |
infrastructure | Noun | Taxes are high because infrastructure is expensive. |
irreversible | Adjective | The damage is irreversible. There is nothing we can do to save it now. |
malnutrition | Noun | People in the country do not live very long due to malnutrition. |
mount | Verb | The costs of the damage caused by the fire are continuing to mount each day. |
nuclear | Adjective | Nuclear energy is a powerful yet dangerous source of energy. |
offend | Verb | She was really offended by your comment. |
outweigh | Verb | I decided to do that because the benefits outweighed the consequences. |
overpopulated | Adjective | The city where I was born is really becoming overpopulated. Apartments are more expensive and getting smaller everyday. |
postpone | Verb | The meeting was postponed until tomorrow. |
prioritize | Verb | You must prioritize what needs to be done. Do not waste time. |
remnant | Noun | If you visit Rome, you can see many remnants of the Roman Empire, such as the great Coliseum. |
ritual | Noun | There are many interesting rituals in that religion. |
sanctuary | Noun | Near my home, there is a wildlife sanctuary. You can see all kinds of animals and birds there. |
sanitation | Noun | Water sanitation is lacking in many areas of the world. |
shortage | Noun | There were many food and gas shortages after the earthquake. |
shrink | Verb | Her sweater shrank when it was washed. |
starve | Verb | Many people are starving around the world. They have no access to food. |
substantial | Adjective | He spends a substantial amount of time at his office. |
temple | Noun | We visited a temple to pray. |
threat | Noun | There are many threats to our safety these days. |
vandalize | Verb | The store window was vandalized last night. Someone painted graffiti on it. |
wildlife | Noun | There is a lot of wildlife that is in danger in the world. |
worldwide | Adverb, Adjective | The product is sold worldwide. |
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