Part One
Look at the video game covers below. With a parter or group, discuss which of them you know. Chances are you have played at least one of them.

Part Two
All of the games above were designed by Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto. In Media 11-2, we are going to learn more about this video game legend.
Before watching the video, work with a partner and check your understanding of the Unit Eleven vocabulary words.
- to hire
- cabinet
- to have a shot at doing something
- to not go over so well
- nothing to lose
- a huge smash / hit
- genre
Part Three
Open the exercise and make a copy. Work with a partner. Look at the missing parts of the text. Guess what kinds of words are missing from the text. For example, if you think a specific time or date is missing, mention that to your partner. If you think a specific name is missing, discuss that.
Part Four
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