Many people strive to get better. They want to be richer. They want to be smarter. They want to be more popular. But what about being healthier? As Gandhi said, "It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver."

Physical health is the way our bodies feel. It may seem simple to look after your physical health, but it is not easy. First, we must make sure we move our bodies. Leisure time should not just mean sitting on the sofa. We should be up and exercising too.

We must also eat a balanced diet. Malnutrition can lead to many problems. If we eat too many calories, we risk suffering from obesity and other diseases. If we do not eat enough calories, our body will not get enough nutrients to grow. We must eat a diet of whole foods to stay healthy.

Thanks to technology, doctors can help us avoid certain illnesses. They give us vaccinations to keep away dangerous diseases from which humans suffered a long time ago.

Looking after your teeth is a big part of being healthy. Once you have your adult teeth, it's the only set you will have. You will live with the same teeth for the rest of your life!

To keep our teeth in good shape, we must brush them twice a day. As well as brushing, dentists recommend that you floss once a day. Flossing targets the bits of food between your teeth that your toothbrush misses.

When we think of health, we think of our physical health. But that is only half of it. We must look after our mental health too. Mental health refers to how you think, feel, and behave. There are many mental health disorders from which people suffer.

Anxiety is a type of mental health illness. When you experience anxiety, you feel worried and scared. It can be hard to calm yourself down. Some people feel anxious when there is a lot of stress or bullying in their lives.

Depression is another mental health illness. When you experience depression, you feel very sad. You may lose interest in your favourite things. You may find it hard to work or study. It can be very difficult to stop feeling depressed or anxious. But fortunately, there are many things and people out there to help.

Some people see a therapist. They talk about what is wrong and try to overcome their problems. They look at what is causing them to feel sad and try to accept it.

Some people try meditation. Meditation is an old practice. A person practices holding their attention on something. They try not to think about the outside world. They try to focus on their breathing or their body. This relaxation can bring calmness.

Mental health problems are common. In Canada, 1 in 5 people experience a mental health problem or illness. But don't worry. There is always help for people who are experiencing problems.

It is important to focus on both mental and physical health. What do you do to take care of yourself?