When we think of America, we think of the United States. But that is leaving out around 70% of the population. America is both North and South America. It is made up of 35 different countries.

Not much is known about its prehistory. Anthropology teaches us that people came from Asia during an Ice Age. Then, there was land that connected Russia and America.

People brought their cultures with them. Later, these cultures expanded into new civilizations.

The Maya people live in modern-day Mexico. All Maya shared a religion. But each city was ruled by a different ruler.

The Maya people built big temples for their leaders. Normal people lived in huts near their farms. They grew maize, a vegetable like corn. They used it to make lots of food.

The Maya people brought the world chocolate. They thought that cacao seeds were gifts from the gods. They even used them as money.

The Aztecs lived in modern-day Mexico too. They came after the Maya people. They were fierce warriors. They fought wars with other tribes.

The Aztecs ruled for over 100 years. They ruled until the arrival of the Spanish in 1519. The Spanish had been travelling west to find a new way to Asia. They came across what they called the New World.

They quickly invaded America. They were responsible for the deaths of many natives. They brought with them Old World diseases that killed many people. The native population dropped by around 80%.

The Spanish were not the first Europeans to arrive in the New World. In around 1,000, the Vikings arrived in what is now Canada. But they did not stay long. Speculations exist about other discoveries too.

Around 100 years after the Spanish, British pilgrims arrived in North America. They created settlements by the water.

The relationship with the First Nations was poor. Many natives were killed by the British. The natives did not trust the pilgrims. There were many attacks from either side.

More British arrived and explored more of North America. They spread to the Caribbean islands. They found that they could make lots of money. Slaves worked for them growing sugar. They stole people from Africa and brought them to America. They were made to work in the fields.

After 150 years, the Americans turned against the colonial British. Their goal was decolonization. That started a war. It lasted 8 years. The establishment of the United States of America came in 1776. They had overthrown the British. They had achieved independence.

In the 1860s, America was divided. There was a civil war. The North wanted to make slavery illegal. They believed everyone deserved civil rights. But the South did not. They fought for 4 years. The North won. They made slavery illegal in 1865.

That was not the last war for the USA. The USA took part in World War I and II. During World War II, conscription was brought in. All men between 17 and 45 had to join the military.

America is full of amazing countries with rich cultures. Many countries made the New World what it is today.