Do you remember what a legend is? A legend is an ancient, traditional story. That means that it is from a long time ago. There are often lots of different versions of legends. Some are more modern. This means that they are newer.

Some people think that legends are exaggerated but true. Do you think legends can be true?

Have you ever looked at an animal and wondered how it came to be? Some legends try to explain this. Do you know what this animal is? It's a moth. Moths are attracted to light. You may have seen them at night trying to get inside your windows. Legend says that a long time ago, moths were as bright as butterflies.

One day, the sky filled with clouds. The angels were very sad. They started to cry because they couldn't see the people. Rain fell down to Earth.

Moths did not like to see the angels sad. They wanted to make the angels happy again. They had an idea. They decided to make a rainbow.

To make a rainbow, they needed lots of colours. They started to look for other colourful animals to help them. They asked the butterflies for some colour, but they wanted to keep it. The moths decided to try on their own.

They beat their wings quickly. They beat their wings until all of the colours flew off their wings! Slowly, a big rainbow appeared.

The angels smiled. They were happy. They could see the people again. The moths gave their colour for the happiness of the angels. How kind.

Here's another interesting legend. Long ago, in the early days of England's history, the King died. People thought he was immortal, but he was not. No one knew who the heir to the throne was. He had a son, but no one could find him. People were worried. What if they were conquered by an evil king?

One day, the people found a sword. It was stuck in a stone. The sword had writing on its hilt. "He who pulls the sword from the stone will be king."

Many tried, and many failed. Nobles fought about who would be king. But England still had no king. The miracle was forgotten.

One day, a kind, wise young man named Arthur met a wizard named Merlin. The wizard told Arthur the story of the sword. He didn't think he could become king.

But Merlin told Arthur that he is the son of the king. He showed him the sword. People that were watching didn't think Arthur could do it.

"He is weak!" they shouted. But he did it! He became the new king of England. England became a happy place again.

So, do you think these legends are true? Legends are everywhere to be found. Does your country have any interesting legends?