The film industry is lucrative. People can become rich by making a good movie. But it is not easy. It's best to be in the right place.

Movies come from all over the world. But some areas are more popular than others. These are three of the biggest film industries.

The world's oldest film industry is Hollywood. It makes more money than any other film industry in the world. If you want to meet a celebrity, you will find one there!

Hollywood is a city in California. It became popular in the early 1900s. It has lots of natural scenery. Lots of scenes can be filmed in the area. There is also lots of sun. Light was needed for filming, and there was lots of it!

Travelling is easier now. We can film in lots of different countries. But lots of big companies are still based in Hollywood.

Warner Bros. is a company that is based there. They make the Batman movies. They make the Harry Potter movies. They make Superman movies. They are worth around $5 billion!

But Hollywood does not make the most movies per year. That title goes to Bollywood. The word Bollywood is a mix between Bombay and Hollywood. Bombay was the name of the largest city in India. Now it is called Mumbai.

The film industry in India is growing fast. Indian cinema produced 1,986 films in 2017! Most of the movies are musicals. People wear colourful clothes. There's lots of dancing. If the music is not good, the film is not successful.

Dangal is a famous Indian movie. It was released in 2016. It was produced by Aamir Khan. He is a producer and actor in India. The movie made $287 million worldwide. It was a big hit!

People speak lots of languages in India. Bollywood tries to make sure lots of people can watch the movies. They speak Hindi and Urdu in their movies. People who speak either language can watch them. They even speak some English.

The city of Vancouver, Canada, is called Hollywood North. It is the third largest film industry in North America. Vancouver is a 3-hour flight from Hollywood. It is in the same time zone. It is cheap to film there. It became a good option for people wanting to make a movie.

It has been a filming location for 100 years. In 1910, the two first movies were filmed there. In 2010, 246 projects came from Vancouver!

Not all movies are from these three parts of the world. The internet has changed the film industry. People can create their own movies. You can create a movie in your own home. Are you creative? Why not start filming your own movie?