Food is great. We eat food all day. I love food.

This is breakfast. Breakfast is first. We eat it in the morning.

This is lunch. Lunch is next. We eat it in the afternoon.

This is dinner. Dinner is last. We eat it in the evening.

This is a snack. We eat it in the morning. Some people eat it in the evening.

This is dessert. We eat it after dinners. Some people eat it after lunches. Desserts are sweet foods.

It is breakfast time. They eat some soup. They eat some cereal. They eat some toast. I eat eggs. What do you eat?

It is lunchtime. They eat fish. They eat pizza. They eat pasta. I eat soup. What do you eat?

It is dinner time. They eat noodles. They eat hamburgers. They eat chicken. I eat pizza. What do you eat?

I see some snacks. We eat some fruits. They eat some cheese. What do you eat?

I see some desserts. We eat some cake. They eat some cookies. What do you eat?

I love breakfast the most. How about you?