People love soft animals. Dogs are soft. Cats are soft. But they are a lot of work. Some animals are easier.

Do you know what a guinea pig is? They are soft pets. They have little whiskers. They are not pigs!

Some have short fur. Some have long fur. Some have spots.

Some get scared. They like to have a place to hide. They should live in a cage.

Do you know what a rabbit is? They can hop. They have a little furry tail. They have little paws.

They have big ears. Some go up. Some go down. But they are all cute!

They live in a hutch. They like tunnels in there, too. They need straw to sleep on. It keeps them warm. And they can munch it!

They love to make friends with other rabbits. They can be sad if they lose a friend.

A hamster is a cute pet. They look like mice. They live in a cage, too. They like to run on a wheel. They hold lots of food in their cheeks!

If you have a small pet, make sure it is happy. Make sure its home is clean. Make sure it is healthy. A happy pet is a great pet.