You can make music with friends. You can start a band. You can play music with the band.

Do you want to show off your music? You can play on a stage. Other people will see you. You can use a microphone. It makes your voice louder. Other people will hear you.

Do you listen to music? You can use headphones. You wear them over your ears. Only you can hear the music. The music should not be too loud. It could hurt your ears.

Do you like a singer? Do you like a band? You can buy a ticket. You can go to a concert. You will see the singers. You will see the band. You can hear the music.

It is loud at a concert. The singers are singing. The dancers are dancing. You might see a guitar. You might see drums. What else can you see?

We clap at the end. We give them a round of applause. That means they did a good job. You can have your own concert too!