Do you like to dress up? You can wear a costume.

Do you want to be a king? Do you want to be a queen? You can wear a crown. You can make your own crown. It is easy! You just need paper.

You can be a princess. You can wear a long dress. Some princesses wear crowns too. Princesses are kind.

Do you want to be a superhero? A hero is brave. A hero helps people. You will need a mask. A mask covers your face. You will need a cape too. Now you are ready to save the world.

Do you want to be a pirate? A pirate steals from others. That means they take things without asking. You will need a sword. You will need an eye patch too. It will cover one of your eyes. Don't forget to say, "Arrrr."

Do you want a scary costume? You can be a ghost. A ghost says, "Boo!" You can be a friendly ghost.

There are so many fun costumes. You can make your own too. Which one do you like?