The Speaking section of your Exam has two parts. This first part is Short Answers for which you'll be given 8 question prompts and be expected to respond up to 40 seconds for each. There is 10 seconds of preparation time for each questions, but you will not be allowed to take notes or write any response. The questions are loosely linked to the general theme of the Exam. The questions are divided into 4 categories and there are two questions for each category:
- General: Questions and you and every day activities
- Picture: Description of a single scene and comparison between two pictures
- Opinion: Showing Preference and/or degree of agreement
- Media: Summarizing and/or commenting on audio sources.
You will be presented with examples of questions for each section. Work with your group to discuss how you could answer each question and practice your responses with each other. Be sure at try and speak at least 20-30 seconds for each response, but on your exam, anything over 40 seconds will not be recorded or marked.
- What is the most expensive item you have ever bought? Do you regret having bought it? Why or why not?
- Who in your academic experience was the most effective teacher you ever had? What made this person effective?
- Most people have something they could never live without. What's something you could never part with? Why?
- Describe how your daily routine differs these days to when you were a child? Is it easier or more difficult now?
- Look at this photo of a professional chef. What type of person would it take to do a job like he does? What type of training would it require?

- Look at the seating diagram for a hockey game. Where do you think the best place would be to see the game? What makes some areas better than others?

- Look at the two vacation destinations. In what ways are these locations similar and what are key ways that they differ?

- Look this two different sports. What abilities do these athletes have in common and what skills are specific to each sport?

- Some people think that high school students should work over the summer in order to build a sense of responsibility. Do you agree that this is a good idea? Why or why not?
- In Canada, it is standard for new employees to only get two weeks of paid, personal vacation per year. Do you think that is enough time for yearly vacation? What negative consequences might this short time off per year have?
- Students often study together in groups, but they can get extremely distracted at times. Do you think it's more effective to study with others or alone? What are some benefits of each system?
- Would you rather live in a society that has very high taxes and an excellent public services like roads, schools, and hospitals or one where there are few taxes, but public services are not well-maintained?
- Summarize the process of how chocolate is produced.
- Discuss the difference between what was believed about Mars in the past and the reality of what is actually there.