When answering Structure and Written Expression questions, try and use the strategies outlined in the Lesson Document the best you can.

TOEFL ITP Structure and Written Expression Strategies
- Read and become familiar with the directions before the exam.
- There is no need to spend time reading the directions when you take the test because on every TOEFL test, they are the same. You should know all the directions before the day of the test.
- Do each part together.
- Start with the Structure part and be sure you answer all 15 questions together before moving on the Written Expression part. This way you can concentrate on only one style of question at a time.
- Start with the easier questions of each part first.
- Generally, question 1 through 5 of the Structure part and questions 16 through 20 of the Written Expression part are easier than the ones that follow. For each part, always focus on those first 5 questions, but do not spend too much time on them. You will need the time for the remaining, more difficult questions.
- Review questions if you have extra time.
- If you finish early, ALWAYS go back and review your answers, especially the more difficult ones. Be sure of your reasons for changing an answer you have already made as many times a first response is correct.
- Guess if you run out of time.
- There is no penalty for guessing and getting an incorrect answer. If there is very little time, NEVER leave any answers blank and guess the best you can, as quickly as you can.