How can something as small as an insect cause so much pain? Some insects might be tiny, but they can sure hurt you.

Everybody knows to look out for wasps. Their yellow and black markings are easy to recognize. If a wasp is bothered, it might sting you. It poisons you and causes pain. But most people recover quickly. Other insects can cause more problems.

The puss caterpillar looks cute. You might even want to pet it because it looks so soft. But that would be a mistake. Puss caterpillars hide spines that are sharp and dangerous. If they touch your skin, it will burn. Some people are sick and even find it difficult to breathe for an hour.

The bullet ant is so dangerous it even has a scary name. People say that being bitten by a bullet ant is as painful as being shot by a gun. The pain doesn't leave the body quickly either. It lasts for around 12 hours.

Bullet ants live in large groups. You must stay away from them. You don't want to be repeatedly bitten by them. A bullet ant once made it into my kitchen. I didn't sleep well that night!

The giant Japanese hornet is not usually dangerous. But if you scare them, it can be deadly. It is the largest hornet in the world. An angry giant Japanese hornet can kill a person with just one sting. They kill around 30-50 people a year.

Swarms of the hornets have been found in the USA. The predatory insects destroy bees in the area. Scientists are trying to stop the hornets from staying. If they don't do it soon, it will be too late.

Ticks are common for cats and dogs. But they can be dangerous for humans, too. A tick can carry Lyme disease. They become infected by biting a sick mouse or bird. If the tick attaches itself to a human, it can pass on the disease. Humans become tired and get headaches if they get the disease. It is important to catch it fast. If you do not catch it early, it could stay forever.

Which animal do you think is responsible for the most deaths in the world? A tiger? A shark? It's the mosquito. Mosquitoes kill around 1 million people a year. They carry a deadly disease called malaria. They can transmit the disease easily.

Around half of the world's population is at risk of malaria. People in Africa are the most exposed. In 2015, 9/10 malaria victims were in Africa. Malaria is more dangerous than any sting a bug can give you.

They might be small, but insects can be dangerous. Learn what insects are in your area. Learn how to keep yourself safe.