Many people are indigenous to the Arctic region. They have lived there for a long time. They know many ways to live in a cold place.

The Inuit are indigenous to the Arctic region. They live in Canada, Alaska, and Greenland. Do you know what an igloo is? Igloos were first built by the Inuits. An igloo is a small building made of snow. A long time ago some people lived in igloos. There are many indigenous groups living in the Arctic. We can learn a lot from indigenous groups.

The Sami are indigenous to the Arctic region. They live in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Northwest Russia.
The Nenets, Khanty, Evenki and Chukchi are indigenous to the Arctic region. They all live in Russia.
The Aleut, and Yupik are indigenous to the Arctic region. They live in Alaska.

What is life like in the Arctic? Life in the Arctic is hard, interesting, and fun.

How do you travel around the Arctic? This is a snowmobile. It helps you travel through snow. It has no tires. It uses skis.

This is a snow cat. It helps many people travel through snow. It has no tires. It has big tracks.

Snowshoes help you walk in snow. You put them under your shoes. It is fun to walk in them. You can run in them, too, but you must practice!

This is a sleigh. It helps move people in the snow. Sleighs are fun, but cold.
This is a snow plow. You use it to move snow.

Can you visit the Arctic regions? Yes, you can! There are many amazing things to see and do here. You can see the northern lights. You can trek through the snow to see some wild animals. You can play in the forests. You can learn to ice fish. The Arctic is a wonderful place to live, and visit.