What makes a superhero a hero? Is it their clothes? Is it their tools? Is it their superpowers? No! It is none of those things.

A hero is someone who helps others. Superheroes are heroes because they think about other people. They help other people when they are in danger.

A hero is someone who has courage. Heroes do brave things for other people. They do the right thing even if they are scared. They do the right thing even if they might get wounded.

A hero is someone who does good things. Heroes do good things for other people. They fight villains because they do bad things.

A hero is someone who tries to solve conflict. Heroes try to stop villains from ruining the world. They do not want to fight, but they do not want people to suffer.

A hero is someone who wants a peaceful world. A real hero tries to make the world less sinister. They rid the world of crooks. They want a world without havoc.

Heroes do not care about money. A real hero does not care if they get paid. They use their own time and money to change the world.

Heroes do not care about being famous. They keep their identity to themselves. It remains a secret. They do not need to be known for doing good things.

A real hero knows that they need help from their friends. Superheroes get support from their sidekicks. They do not face problems alone.

A real hero cares about others. You do not need to have superpowers to be a hero. You can be a real hero too! All it takes is one act of kindness.