A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns. Use pronouns to avoid repeating words.
A singular pronoun replaces a singular noun. The words I, me, you , he, she, him, her, and it are singular pronouns. Always capitalize the pronoun I.

I love the safari sunset.

Do you want to play catch with me?

You are going to be cold in the snow.

She likes to eat watermelons.

I see him reading in the lilbrary a lot.

It likes to drink milk from a shallow dish.
A plural pronoun replaces a plural noun. The words we, you, they, us, and them are plural pronouns.

We love to go swimming in the summer.

Have you washed your hands before eating?

They are making a salad.

Do you want to play kickball with us?

I want to go to the beach with them.