Do you know what a puppeteer is? A puppeteer is a kind of actor. They use their hands to act. They use their hands to control puppets. They sometimes give the puppets a voice, too. They make the puppets move.

Old puppets were very simple. They had some strings or sticks to move the arms and legs. The puppeteer moved the mouth with their hands. They had to match the movement to the words. It was fun to watch puppet shows and movies.

How do they make movies with puppets? The puppeteers act out a scene with the puppets. The scene is filmed. They act out each scene. They sometimes change their costumes in each scene. They put all the scenes together to make the movie.

The Muppets are the most famous puppets. Have you seen any Muppet movies? Kermit is my favourite Muppet. He is kind and funny.

Puppets can look realistic. They can make puppet animals. They can make puppet people. Many movies use puppets instead of real animals. The puppets don't need to sleep or eat. The puppets can follow instructions. It is easier to film puppets than animals.

Some puppets are made from machines. They are moved by a remote control. Someone moves the eyes or mouth. Another person moves the body. These puppets are popular in fantasy movies. This little puppet is popular now. He looks so real.

Some puppets are made from socks. This is a sock monkey. Many kids make them in school. This is a sock duck. It is easy to make, and fun to play with. You can make many kinds of sock puppets.

You can make a puppet from a paper bag. You can make a paper bag tiger. You can make a paper bag unicorn. You can make any animal puppet with a paper bag.

Some puppets are tiny. These are finger puppets. Many teachers use them to tell stories. You can make your own finger puppets with paper.

Puppets are cool, fun, and interesting. Do you have any puppets?