There are around 1,000,000 different types of insects around the world. Insects make up around 80% of all living species. It's not a surprise that they do some amazing things.

Lots of insects can fly. From moths to bees to beetles, the skies are full of flying bugs. The painted lady butterfly holds the record for the insect with the longest distance flight. They fly 6,500 km from North Africa to Iceland to migrate.

Fleas are amazing but dangerous animals. They are parasites. That means they feed off a host animal. They suck the blood of an animal to survive.

Fleas can leap from host to host. They can leap 33 cm. That is 200 times their own body! But because of this, they spread lots of disease.

Fleas were responsible for the death of over 75,000,000 people 700 years ago. A disease called the plague was carried by fleas from Asia to Europe.

Spiders spin amazing webs to live in and find food. They make the webs from silk. That silk is an amazing material. Their silk is five times stronger than steel. It is 1,000 times thinner than human hair.

Spiders don't just make webs with their silk. Some spiders build an underwater home out of silk. Their silk home holds oxygen so they can survive. Some spiders build silk sails to fly in the wind. They use it as a way to travel!

Dung beetles are interesting insects. There are three groups. Each has a different job. There are rollers, tunnelers, and dwellers.

The rollers find animal poop and roll it. Tunnelers make a tunnel through animal poop and bury some of it. They store it for later. Storing it keeps it fresh and stops other beetles trying to steal it. Dwellers lay eggs and raise the young.

Dung beetles keep the earth healthy. They help crops grow. In Texas, dung beetles bury around 80% of all cattle dung. Without them, nothing would grow. Without them, there would be too many flies.

Lots of people are scared of insects. But look at the amazing things that they can do. We should admire insects. We should be grateful for everything they do to make the Earth healthy.