Do you know what salsa dancing is? Salsa is a kind of dance. It started in the Caribbean. Many people think it started in the 1960s to 1970s. Salsa dancing mixes different Latin dances together. There are many styles of salsa dancing.

You can salsa dance on the spot. You can salsa dance with a set choreography.

Many people salsa dance with a partner. Some people like to practice salsa dancing alone.

In many dances, the dancer has to focus on moving many body parts. Salsa dancing is different. A lot of the movement comes from the lower body parts.

First, the dancers have to listen to the rhythm of the music. There are some basic dance steps that a dancer can follow. The dancers might step forward with their left foot and then step back. Next, they can do the same thing with their right foot.

It is important to practice foot movements in salsa dancing. It can be very tricky to get the foot movements right!

If you have seen salsa dancing, you might have seen the figure of eight move. It is a move you do with your hips. The dancers shift their weight forward, to the side, diagonally and then back.

Another move is called the salsa shimmy. It is a shaking movement. You can start by rotating the middle part of your body. You rotate right. You rotate left. When you do this quickly, it's the shimmy. If this move is too hard to do, you can always start by doing it slowly.

Salsa dancers can also do lifts. This is when one partner holds the other one up. There are many ways to do lifts. There are different positions for the dancers.

Like all dances, timing is very important. The dancers must keep up with the rhythm. They need to know where they are in the music. Perfect timing means the dancer can move perfectly to the music beat.

Salsa dancing can be a lot of fun. Do you want to try salsa dancing?