A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns.
Use pronouns to avoid repeating words.
A singular pronoun replaces a singular noun. The words I, me, you, he, she, him, her, and it are singular pronouns.
Always capitalize the pronoun I.

Do you want to go to the playground with Ned?
Do you want to go to the playground with me?

Shelly and her friends run the marathon every year.
She and her friends run the marathon every year.

Isabella is doing
She is doing homework with him.
A plural pronoun replaces a plural noun. The words we, you, they, us, and

They waited for a long time at the airport.

Do you want to read with Flynn and Rielan?
Do you want to read with them?

Shirla, Audrey, and I are going to the supermarket.
We are going to the supermarket.