Do you know what the five senses are? Imagine holding a big ice cream cone. What would you see? What would you smell? What would you feel? What would you taste? What would you hear? Just by doing something as simple as eating an ice cream cone, you are using all your five senses!

Your five senses help you learn about the world. Your senses protect you from dangerous things in the world.

Your sense of sight helps you see the world around you. It helps you see colour and shapes and light. It helps you see hazards like traffic and steps so that you can keep safe.

Your sense of smell helps you smell the world around you. It helps you detect scents and odours. It helps you detect dangerous smells like a fire or gas leak.

Your sense of hearing helps you hear the world around you. It helps you detect audio and music and listen to others. It helps you hear noises like cars and animals so that you can keep safe.

Your sense of touch helps you feel the world around you. It helps you feel textures so you can know how something feels. It helps you feel how hot or cold something is so that you can keep safe.

Your sense of taste helps you taste the world around you. It helps you taste when things are sweet or salty or sour or bitter. It lets you know when food is ripe and ready to eat. It helps you detect the taste of rotten food so that you can keep safe.

Not everyone has the same senses. Sometimes, people might have one heightened sense. That one sense is very powerful. They might be very sensitive to light or sound.

Sometimes, people might not be able to use one or more of their senses. If one of their senses is impaired, they might need help. Glasses can help some people with a sight impairment. If a person cannot see, they become more tactile. They rely on their sense of touch to understand the world.

Some people can see, smell, hear, feel and taste the world in a special way. Everyone can see, smell, hear, feel, and taste the world differently. Everyone's different senses are gifts because they make the world special to them. We all have senses, but we do not all see, smell, hear, feel and taste the world in the same way. What does the world look, smell, sound, feel and taste like to you?