Once a year, the world comes together to celebrate the planet. It is called Earth Day. It is a time to be mindful about how we treat our Earth. How can you contribute to a planet-friendly society?

You can contribute by being responsible with your garbage. You can follow the three R's. By following the three R's, we can reduce the amount of garbage that goes into landfills.

You can contribute by changing your actions. Ask yourself, "Do I do things that are bad for the Earth?" Do you leave the faucet running while you brush your teeth? Do you drive when you need to go somewhere? What can you do to change those actions and be a better protector of the Earth?

Maybe you can start a form of civic engagement. Maybe you can hold a teach-in to make people aware about the three R's. Maybe you can get your friends to plant some trees with you for your next birthday party.

If you are not happy with what your family is doing, speak up. If you are not happy with what your school is doing, speak up. If you are not happy with what your country is doing, speak up. Let your parents know. Let your teachers know. Let your politicians know.

You can contribute by being careful about what your family buys. Do you care about deforestation? If you do, do not buy from companies that cut down rainforests.

Do you care about global warming? If you do, only buy from companies that use renewable energy.

Your money makes a difference. Do not give your money to companies you don't like. Do your research to find out what companies really do. Write to companies and tell them what you think.

You can contribute by joining a charity that fights climate change. You can ask to be deployed to a place that is affected by climate change. You can help them tackle the climate crisis there. There are many grassroots organizations that help poorer countries fight global warming. It all starts with teaching awareness and literacy.

You can contribute by offsetting your carbon footprint. If you must drive or fly, donate to a charity that helps the planet. Find out what damage you cause, and make up for it.

You might be just one person, but you are a powerful person. You have a voice and your voice is the most powerful tool you own. Use your voice. You can change the world and save the Earth.