In the Lesson Document there are Vocabulary lists for this reading (Exercise 1). With your partners, write a definition for each word you were assigned and then create an example sentence using that word. Some of the words have been done for you. After you have completed the vocabulary that you were assigned, read all the definitions that the other students wrote. Ask if you have any questions.

The full name of the sport is sepak takraw. Open this link to read two sections of an article about takraw. First, read the short introduction. Then skip down to the fourth section called “Rules and regulations” and skim through it. When you are done reading, discuss the following questions with your partners:
- Introduction
- What sport is takraw most similar to? How are these sports different?
- In what part of the world did takraw originate?
- Section 4, Rules and regulations
- What kind of court is a takraw court similar to?
- Describe the takraw ball.
- How many players are on each team?
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