Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Apostrophe + S.
Read and listen to the following conversations with a partner. Discuss the meaning of each case of "'s". Does it mean possession or is? Then, practice the conversations with your partner:

Leanne & Shaun
A: How's London's weather in the fall, Leanne?
B: Well, it's not great, but it's not bad. It's cool and it rains a lot.
A: So do you like London's weather or Vancouver's weather more?
B: That's a difficult question to answer. London's weather isn't very different from Vancouver's, actually. They're so similar.
A: I see.

Father & Son
A: Bye, Dad. I'm going to Wendy's house for dinner.
B: Again? You always go to your girlfriend's house for dinner.
A: But Wendy's mom is a really good cook. Her food's delicious.
B: Okay, but tomorrow you need to stay home for dinner. Eat with your family.
A: Sure. Thanks, Dad.

Mike & Greg
A: It's like winter outside!
B: Yeah, the weather's really bad, isn't it?
A: Yeah, it's pretty cold and windy outside, and now it's raining!
B: It's not usually like this.
A: Yeah, it never rains in the summer.

Cameron & Megan
A: Where's Joanna?
B: She's working today.
A: Oh really? What does she do?
B: She's a receptionist at a lawyer's office.
A: That's a good job for her.
B: Yeah, she likes it a lot.