Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Use of English - Prepositions of Place and Grammar - Articles #1
Students work with a partner and open the corresponding page.
Each student is presented with eight photos which his or her partner cannot see. For each photo, students practice asking and giving descriptions to each other about what they see in their photos.
For each photo, students should discuss the subject of the photo (identified with a dot) and where the subject is located. Students should follow the model conversation below.
In the following example, Student One is given a picture of a man in a car. He or she starts by telling Student Two about the subject of the photo, "There's a man."" Student Two asks about the subject's location, "Where is the man?" Finally, Student One replies, "The man is in a car."
Students should focus on accurately describing the subject's location with prepositions of location. In addition, students should focus on the usage of definite and indefinite articles in their conversations.

There's a man.

Where's the man?
He's in a car.