
The Guts

Today, we will learn about how your gut works through a rather gross science experiment.

You’re Not a Lab Mouse, but You Might Be a Wild Mouse

The lab mice we use for genetic studies are not only closely related, but live out their whole lives in a sterile environment, so they don’t tell us everything we need to know about actual humans.

Microworlds: Bug Mimics

Mimicry takes a few forms here on the coast in the world of bugs, all in the name of survival.

How Your Immune System Works

Today, we are finding out how your immune system works through a science experiment!

The man who lost his sense of touch

Explore the science behind how your body and brain process different sensations like touch, pain, temperature, and spatial awareness.

How Does Our Sense Of Balance Work?

Today, you will learn about how you BALANCE!

Just How Good is Eagle Vision?

In a remote part of Scotland, expert bird handler Lloyd Buck sets up a game of hide and seek for his golden eagle Tilly to test just how good her eyesight is.

The Best Way to Boost Your Immune System

There is this idea floating around that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

What Was The Biggest Dinosaur That Ever Lived?

What was the largest dinosaur? And how did it get so big? If you're shouting 'Diplodocus!' and 'Brachiosaurus!', you're on the right track.

You Can’t Actually Die Of Old Age

Despite centuries of death records to the contrary, “dying of old age” is not medically possible; instead, it’s just a convenient catch-all.

Magenta: The Colour That Doesn't Exist

When we look at a rainbow, we see a full spectrum of light. Every colour we could imagine. Except one – magenta.

How Close Are We To Uploading Our Minds?

Investigate the possibility of scanning the human brain and uploading our minds and consciousness to a digital world.

The Biology Behind The Last of Us | WIRED

The infection from HBO's The Last of Us is actually based on a real parasitic fungus. This fungus turns insects into zombies. The creators of the game and the show were inspired by zombie carpenter ants.

What Is Symbiosis?

You might think symbiosis is when two different species live in perfect harmony— but that’s just one kind of interaction.

Your Immune System is More Dangerous than You Think

There is this idea floating around that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. That surviving a disease leaves you better off. And it seems to make sense because we have all experienced this.

The Disease You Will Never Survive

A simple mis-folding in a certain brain protein causes a disease for which we have no cure.

Hagfish: The World's Slimiest Creatures

Discover the extraordinary capabilities of hagfish, the slime-producing fish that has survived on Earth for over 300 million years.

The Weird Sex Lives of Bluegills

When it comes to the mating game, fish have some of the strangest ways of thwarting the competition.

What Exactly Is Travel Sickness?

Learn all about travel sickness from Dr Chris and Dr Xand!

Why Do We Cough?

The doctors will explain this by teaching you all about your LUNGS in this lab experiment.

What Is The Rarest Colour In Nature?

Discover what colors are the most rare to see in nature, and how physics and evolution drive their scarcity.