
The Stickiest Non-Sticky Material

Adhesives based on gecko skin can hold huge weights – without sticking to anything.

What Exactly Is Body Bacteria?

Learn about body bacteria with Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand!

Plants In Space!

Dr. Anna-Lisa Paul and Dr. Robert J. Ferl put weeds in unique situations to study their behaviour on a molecular level.

How Many Animal Species Are There, Really?

It's harder than you might think to know how many animal species live on Earth.

How Do Oysters Make Pearls?

Explore how oysters use calcium carbonate to create pearls, and how this chemical compound creates a vast array of other materials.

A Chameleons Race Against Time

Discover how a Labord’s chameleon learns how to hunt for a meal and find a potential mate, all in a short lifespan of just four months.

Humans Versus The Common Cold

Dig into the two main ways we fight the viruses that cause the common cold, and find out if it’s possible to create a cure.

How Do Insect Eyes Work?

Jessi and Squeaks learn all about how dragonflies see - did you know they have thousands of eyes?!

How Fireflies Inspired Energy-Efficient Lights

Electricity accounts for around 5% of greenhouse gas emissions. So how can we make it more efficient? Belgian physicist Jean-Pol Vigneron and his team found the answer could lie within a firefly's abdomen.

Photosynthesis & Transpiration

What do plants need? Students examine the effects of light and air on green plants, learning the processes of photosynthesis and transpiration.

Symbiotic Fungi

David Attenborough encounters a parasitic fungi that lives off the plants it inhabits.

Bottlenose Dolphins - Amazing Animals

Dolphins are born tail-first!

The ingredient in almost everything you eat

Dig into the science of soy, and discover what makes soybeans such versatile plants and whether it’s healthy for you and the planet.

An Egg Is Just One Cell

One of Earth's biggest cells is one you're probably really familiar with.

These Seeds Can Walk!

The seeds of these wild oats each have two bristles called awns. Once the seeds fall to the ground their awns help them do something truly extraordinary…they walk!

Beetle - Amazing Animals

Beetles are the largest group of animals on Earth!

Baby Puss Moth Caterpillar Hatching

Puss Moth Caterpillar (Cerura vinula) hatches from its egg.

Are Our Tendons Stronger Than Steel?

Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand show us what tendons do in our bodies and just how super strong they are!

The rise of the planet of the trilobites - Nigel Hughes

Discover the creatures known as trilobites, one of Earth’s most successful early animals, and find out what led to their extinction.

Why Sharks Are Covered In Teeth

Sharks wouldn’t be known for their fierce teeth today if it weren’t for their ancient scales.

How Fevers REALLY Work

Fevers are one of our best weapons against infections, but they don't work like you might think.