How Did Life Begin? (Evolutionary History): Crash Course Biology #16
AdultsEducationScienceSelfBiologyEvolution... Humans may have been around for a long time, but life has existed for way longer. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll journey through deep time to uncover the history of life on Earth.
Brian Cox on how black holes could unlock the mysteries of our universe
AdultsEducationPhysicsScienceSpace... When black holes disappear, what happens to the stuff that fell in? Physicist Brian Cox explains.
The Truth About Space Combat
AdultsEducationPhysicsScienceEntertainmentMedia... George Lucas and the release of Star Wars in the 1970s unintentionally set a precedent for how almost every single piece of sci-fi media would depict space combat.
The Woman Who Saved the World
AdultsHistoryLifeScienceHealth... On her way to winning the 2023 Nobel Prize for her pioneering work on mRNA vaccines, Katalin Karikó lived a life made for the big screen.
The dark history of werewolves - Craig Thomson
AdultsHistoryWritingCultureMythology... Explore how werewolves have evolved in folklore, literature, and pop culture throughout history, and where these stories originated.
Why Did It Take Us So Long?
AdultsLifeNatureScienceBiologyEcology... We've long known that animal pollination is an important way plants reproduce on land, but we're only JUST finding out animals also pollinate plants underwater.
Ancient Life as Old as the Universe
AdultsEducationNatureScienceEvolutionHistory... Life has existed on one planet for about 4 billion years, for all we know. But it might have started right after the Big Bang, when the universe was much stranger and more fantastic than today.
How a young Bill Clinton made waves during his presidential campaign | Rewind the '90s
AdultsHistoryPoliticsWorldMedia... New to the scene, here's how "Clinton's War Room" revolutionized media management in politics.
Houmous & Green Flatbreads | Jamie Oliver
AdultsFamilyFilmFoodCooking... I've teamed up with Tesco to bring you some deliciously healthy recipes that are also great value. You're going to love my Houmous & green flatbreads.
How to Make Learning as Addictive as Social Media | Luis Von Ahn | TED
AdultsEducationHumanTechnologyPsychology... When technologist Luis von Ahn was building the popular language-learning platform Duolingo, he faced a big problem: Could an app designed to teach you something ever compete with addictive platforms like Instagram and TikTok?
The Man Who Killed Millions and Saved Billions (Clean Version)
AdultsHistoryHumanLifeScience... A huge thanks to Dan Charles for writing a fantastic biography of Fritz Haber, for taking the time to talk to us about it, and providing valuable feedback.
How Do We Keep Life's Jenga Tower From Toppling?
AdultsHistoryHumanLifeScienceEnvironment... Some scientists believe we are in the middle of Earth’s sixth mass extinction: a big, precarious game of Jenga that involves every ecosystem on the planet.
Titan Implosion Explained with a Soda Can
AdultsEducationMediaScienceHistoryTechnology... On June 18th, 2023, OceanGate’s Titan submersible imploded near the wreck of the Titanic. Why? This simple experiment that you can do at home demonstrates the terrifying power of the ocean that ultimately ended Titan’s expedition.
Why Can't I Grow More Teeth?
AdultsBiologyEducationHumanScience... How come sharks get to have endlessly regrowing teeth when humans only get one set our entire lives? And how come some other mammals get to cheat the system? From elephants to baboons, we'll learn why teeth don't grow back.
Why Do People Hate Koalas?
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureCulture... On the Internet, koalas get an unnecessary amount of hate, so let's debunk some of the most pervasive koala myths!
Experiencing the currents of the coral reef
AdultsLifeNatureTravel Jeff Jenkins goes drift diving at Palancar Gardens, learning how to go with flow.
Fragrant Veggie Curry | Jamie Oliver
AdultsFamilyFilmFoodCooking... If you ever find yourself coming to the end of your weekly shop with only a few odds and ends left in the fridge, Jamie's got the perfect hearty curry recipe for you!
The Power of an Image – and the Mind behind It | Misan Harriman | TED
AdultsEducationHistoryHumanArtCultureMental Health... As a neurodivergent child going to school far from home, Misan Harriman found solace in the internet -- "an endless library of the extraordinary," as he calls it.
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics
AdultsEducationPhysicsScience A huge thank you to those who helped us understand different aspects of this complicated topic - Dr. Ashmeet Singh, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Dr. Jos Thijssen, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Dr. Timon Idema, Álvaro Bermejillo Seco and Dr. Misha Titov.