How to Make Learning as Addictive as Social Media | Luis Von Ahn | TED
AdultsEducationHumanTechnology...When technologist Luis von Ahn was building the popular language-learning platform Duolingo, he faced a big problem: Could an app designed to teach you something ever compete with addictive platforms like Instagram and TikTok?
Titan Implosion Explained with a Soda Can
AdultsEducationMediaScience...On June 18th, 2023, OceanGate’s Titan submersible imploded near the wreck of the Titanic. Why? This simple experiment that you can do at home demonstrates the terrifying power of the ocean that ultimately ended Titan’s expedition.
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics
AdultsEducationPhysicsScienceA huge thank you to those who helped us understand different aspects of this complicated topic - Dr. Ashmeet Singh, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Dr. Jos Thijssen, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Dr. Timon Idema, Álvaro Bermejillo Seco and Dr. Misha Titov.
Everything is about to change.
AdultsArtificial IntelligenceEducationScience...We can’t ignore it any longer. Generative A.I. like ChatGPT is going to change everything. It already is. Here’s what the future looks like from my vantage point.
These Countries Are Cheating
AdultsEducationGlobal WarmingScience...By overcounting how much carbon their forests suck up, and undercounting how much carbon their industries release, countries undercount their total carbon emissions.
ChatGPT Explained Completely.
AdultsArtificial IntelligenceEducationTechnologyChatGPT is now the fastest-growing consumer app in human history. Problem is, almost no one knows how it actually works. This is everything you need to know.
Kung Fu, Star Trek and the Many Paths to Spirituality | Rainn Wilson
AdultsCultureEducationMedia...Do you feel overwhelmed by the complex issues facing our world, not to mention your own personal problems? Spirituality is the key to staying grounded and hopeful -- even for skeptics, says actor and author Rainn Wilson.
What Biologists Do: Crash Course Biology
AdultsBiologyBiotechnologyEducation...A biologist’s natural habitat is anywhere questions about life are being asked—whether the subject is a nematode or a narwhal, a single cell, or a whole ecosystem.
Primitive Technology: New Brick Kiln Design
AdultsCreativityEducationNature...I cleared an area as a workspace for making bricks, trialed a new source of clay for brick making and tested a new kiln variant that uses fewer bricks than the previous design.
Why I Cook Meat Straight from the Freezer (& why you should too) of the most annoying and frustrating problems as a home cook, is looking into the fridge on a weeknight and realizing either, the protein you got earlier this week is past the freeze-by date, you have no protein in the first place, or the pack of chicken you threw into the freezer is hours away from being thawed.