The Science of Emotions with Tony Hale
AdultsHealthHumanPsychology...Emotions, please take center stage š Our friend Tony Hale is in our signature National Geographic yellow chair to chat with Dr. Lisa Damour about the science of emotions.
Can you transplant a head to another body?
AdultsBiologyHealthTechnology...Follow a neurosurgeon's attempts to perform a head transplant, and dig into the ethical and biological questions the procedure raises.
How Does Birth Control Work?
AdultsEducationHumanTechnology...There are huge varieties of birth control methods because there are lots of different ways to disrupt the process of sperm-egg fertilization.
How to increase your happiness
AdultsHealthHumanPsychology...Dig into the benefits of practicing gratitude in your everyday life, and discover how being thankful can impact your happiness.
How This Guy Runs a 5 and a Half Minute Mile...Backwards | WIRED
AdultsCreativityHumanLife...Ever tried running backwards? Meet Aaron Yoder, one of the world's fastest backward runners who can complete a reverse mile in five and a half minutes.
Why Steve-O risked his life over, and over, and over again
AdultsHealthHumanPsychology...You know Steve-O. Now meet Steve Glover, as the professional stuntman talks to us about pain, insecurity, and never finding contentment.
Psychiatrists Can't Agree About This New Disorder
AdultsHealthHumanPsychology...Prolonged grief disorder recently debuted in both of the two manuals that clinicians use to diagnose psychological conditions. But the DSM and the ICD don't completely agree on what it is.
Can you trust your memory? This neuroscientist isnāt so sure | AndrĆ© Fenton
AdultsBiologyHealthPsychology...There are three kinds of memory that all work together to shape your reality. Neuroscientist AndrƩ Fenton explains.
Keep Calm And Recover From Surgery Faster
AdultsHealthHumanPsychologyCan keeping calm before a surgery reduce negative outcomes? More than one study says "Yes."