Neurographic Art
YouthArtCreativityHow-to...This mindful art making tutorial can help you find inner peace through art.
How To Draw A Mom & Baby
KidsArtCreativityHow-toWe're going to show you how to draw an adorable mom and baby koala.
Kylee Makes A Fidget Cube
KidsArtCreativityFun...Kylee creates a super fun quick craft: a fidget cube!
How To Draw Super Earth
KidsArtCreativityHow-to...Our Earth is super powerful, so it's fun to imagine it as a superhero. Follow along with us and draw your own Super Earth.
The Smallest Sculptures In The World
YouthArtCreativityHumanThe artist Willard Wigan has been making sculptures for six decades, and yet his entire body of work could fit in the palm of your hand.
Kylee Draws A Lizard
KidsArtCreativityHow-to...Learn how to make your own lizard drawing with basic lines in this kid's art video.
Daffodils Poem
KidsCreativityHistoryBooks..."I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (also commonly known as "Daffodils") is a lyric poem by William Wordsworth.
How Quantum Computers Break The Internet
AdultsCreativityScienceTechnology...A quantum computer in the next decade could crack the encryption our society relies on using Shor's Algorithm.
How To Draw Venus
KidsArtCreativityHow-to...Today, in this easy drawing video for kids, see how to draw the planet Venus and how to write out the letters.
How To Make Rainbow Soap Foam
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience...This sensory activity lets children discover a new bubbly texture.
Primitive Technology: Iron Bacteria Cement
AdultsConstructionCreativityEducation...I developed a cement made from iron bacteria, then made pots from it to test its ability to set and not dissolve in water.
Art Class: High Contrast Pattern Hand Project
YouthArtCreativityHow-toLearn about contrast and patterns in this simple art project.
rimitive Technology: Decarburization of iron and forging experiments
AdultsConstructionCreativityLife...I took a brittle, high carbon/iron alloy (cast iron) made from local ore and used a decarburization method to reduce it's carbon content making it malleable and forged it flat by hammering.
Rubber Band Boat
KidsCreativityExperimentsHow-to...Are you ready to make your own rubber band boats? This STEM craft is fun and engaging for children from start to finish.
How James Gandolfini Navigates Emotion
AdultsArtCreativityHuman...The Nerdwriter is a series of video essays about art, culture, politics, philosophy and more.
Why New Zealand is Finally Getting its First Subway
AdultsCreativityHistoryLife...New Zealand is building its biggest ever transport infrastructure project.
3D Printing With A Twist
YouthCreativityScienceTechnology...A rotating nozzle that can print with multiple different materials at the same time has been used to print helix shapes with intriguing properties.
How To Draw A Minecraft Frog
KidsArtCreativityFun...Today, we're learning how to draw a Minecraft frog eating a Magma Cube!