
A Little Spot Of Patience

A creative way to teach children the benefits of growing their patience spot along with several ideas on what they can do while waiting.

How Can Straws Hold Weight?

Plastic straws: so light, so bendy. So how can we get them to hold up an entire water bottle?

Tell Me About: Roller Coasters

Ever wondered how roller coasters work? Or how they're built? Well hop on and go for a ride to find out.

500 Ducks

You know and love the classic children's song, "Five Little Ducks". Now sing along to this super silly version, "500 Ducks"!

A Little Spot Of Frustration

KidsBooksWellnessMental Health...
This books is a helpful resource for children to practice shifting their mindset from frustration to calm and flexible thinking.

Black Hole Star – The Star That Shouldn't Exist

Black hole stars may have been the largest stars to ever exist. They burned brighter than galaxies and were Larger than any star today or that could ever exist in the future.

How Animals Fly

As Squeaks continues to prepare for his big trip with Jessi, Mr. Brown helps him learn all about different kinds of wings and how they help animals and machines fly!

Learn Ballet With Amani

On today's Awesome Info Kids, we meet Amani who lives in Durham, North Carolina. She's a ballet dancer.

Intro to Geology

Geology is the study of planet Earth, its origin and evolution, its fundamental structure, the properties of minerals, rocks, and fluids of which it is composed, and the evolution of its biosphere.

Falling Snowflakes

Falling Snowflakes is a simple winter counting song.

How We Learned That Water Isn't An Element

For thousands of years, water was thought to be an element. That is, until some of the greatest chemists in the world managed to crack it open.

4 things all great listeners know

Dig into different strategies that can improve your listening skills so you can become a high quality listener.


Learn about metaphors and the difference between similes and metaphors!

The world depends on a strange collection of items. They're not cheap

This government warehouse keeps our entire society up to standard.

Bite Sized Food Facts!

Did you know SciShow has a shorts section on Youtube? We’ve compiled a variety of bite sized shorts about food here for you to indulge in at your leisure!

Let's Look At Constellations

Today, Jessi and Sam the Bat take a look at constellations.

The Future of Public Health: Crash Course Public Health #10

We don’t know what the next big scientific breakthrough is going to be or what futuristic diseases we’ll encounter. But when it comes to our health, we actually have a pretty good idea of what could be next.

What Does Endemic Mean?

Kids News contributor Saara Chaudry explains the term endemic.

Veritasium's Derek Muller Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

Veritasium's Derek Muller answers the web's most searched questions about himself. Where did the name 'Veritasium' come from? Is Veritasium a real element? Where does Derek live? Is he married? What was Veritasium's first video? Derek answers all these questions and much more!

Saying Hello To A Sloth

Sir David Attenborough gets up close to a sloth in the forest.

Cause And Effect

Learn some Keywords that show the cause and effect relationship.