
Could we clone humans? - Earth Lab

Dom Burgess investigates whether we could clone humans in the future.

Should You Let A Dog Lick Your Face?

Canine and human mouths are bacterial ecosystems, but can they harm one another? "Sometimes, the oral contact between dogs and their owners can be more extensive than that between parent and child. Dogs kiss and lick their owners to express amiable emotions. This raises the possibility of transferring bacteria from the oral microbiome of dogs to their human owners."

14 Strange Ways of Life the Ancient Egyptians Practiced

We often think that we are completely different from ancient people, but archaeology shows that we are quite wrong. Here is a list of 14 unbelievable facts about the life of ancient Egyptians.

How to master your sense of smell

Some perfumers can distinguish individual odors in a fragrance made of hundreds of scents; tea-experts have been known to sniff out the exact location of a particular tea; and the NYC Transit Authority once had a employee responsible only for sniffing out gas leaks.