
Why Steve-O risked his life over, and over, and over again

You know Steve-O. Now meet Steve Glover, as the professional stuntman talks to us about pain, insecurity, and never finding contentment.

Psychiatrists Can't Agree About This New Disorder

Prolonged grief disorder recently debuted in both of the two manuals that clinicians use to diagnose psychological conditions. But the DSM and the ICD don't completely agree on what it is.

How to know if you're being selfish (and whether or not that's bad) - Mark Hopwood

Explore a classic philosophical debate and decide: is it human nature to be selfish? And if so, is it possible to overcome it?

Can you trust your memory? This neuroscientist isn’t so sure | André Fenton

There are three kinds of memory that all work together to shape your reality. Neuroscientist André Fenton explains.

Keep Calm And Recover From Surgery Faster

Can keeping calm before a surgery reduce negative outcomes? More than one study says "Yes."

What The Prisoner's Dilemma Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything

This is a video about the most famous problem in Game Theory, the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking relies on several factors—such as knowledge, analysis, and evaluation—to figure things out.

Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Red-Headed League - Alex Rosenthal

One day in the fall, you called upon your friend, Sherlock Holmes, and found him in conversation with Jabez Wilson. Wilson had been working for the mysterious League of Red-Headed Men.

The Power of Unconventional Thinking | David McWilliams | TED

From World War II to the 2008 economic collapse and beyond, history shows that economists don’t always see the future as clearly as they think they do, says David McWilliams.

Why the wrong people end up in power | Brian Klaas, Bill Eddy, & more

This is the psychology of an authoritarian unpacked.

You Went Through Puberty as a Baby

We all remember the woes and trials of our adolescence.

How to overcome your mistakes

Explore what prevents us from learning from our failures, and how to become more resilient through cultivating a growth mindset.

How to Make Learning as Addictive as Social Media | Luis Von Ahn | TED

When technologist Luis von Ahn was building the popular language-learning platform Duolingo, he faced a big problem: Could an app designed to teach you something ever compete with addictive platforms like Instagram and TikTok?

How to enter flow state

Explore the defining features of being in a flow state, and get tips on how you can find flow in your daily life.

What Does It Feel Like To Have Autism?

You or someone you know may have autism. Dr Chris and Dr Xand of Operation Ouch find out what that feels like.

It's Pareidolia!

Dig into the phenomenon of face pareidolia, which is the tendency of our brains to see faces in everyday objects.

Neuroscientist debunks ‘lizard brain’ myth | Lisa Feldman Barrett

Plato famously described the human psyche as two horses and a charioteer: One horse represented instincts, the other represented emotions, and the charioteer was the rational mind that controlled them.

Is Someone You Love Suffering in Silence? Here's What To Do | Gus Worland | TED

Lots of people talk about the need to be physically fit, but mentally fit? Not as much.

How Everyday Interactions Shape Your Future

A few words can change the course of a life; they have the power to shrink, expand or transform someone's identity -- even your own. Social psychologist Mesmin Destin explores how everyday interactions and experiences play a powerful part in who we become, sharing the key moments and messages that can inspire us to grow into our best selves.

Accepting Change Through Colour

A story of change in nature, helping us cope with change in life and acknowledge it as a constant part of our experience.

How to Calm Your Anxiety, From a Neuroscientist

What if you could transform your anxiety into something you can actually use during your work day? Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki shares two evidence-based activities -- breathing and movement -- that can soothe your nervous system and fuel creativity and connection.