
Let's Understand Wildfires

Learn about an Indigenous practice using prescribed burns that fire officials use to fight out-of-control fires.

Computer Skills For Teens: Cyberbullying

YouthCybersecurityHow-toSocial Media...
Learn a little about how to keep online bullies from ruining your time on the internet.

Computer Skills For Teens: Social Media Etiquette

YouthEducationHow-toSocial Media...
Without our usual visual cues, online interactions can sometimes lead to serious miscommunications. Learn a few tips to avoid this.

Why Is English Spelling So Weird?

Explore the evolution of English spelling conventions throughout history, and find out why it's such an inconsistent language.

School Absences

There are lots of different reasons children are not going to school. Newsround went to find out more.

Does Trash Last Forever?

Are your kids wondering, "Does trash last forever?" This question came from Clementine, a student from the United States.

Healthy Digital Life Balance

In this lesson you'll learn how to add balance between real life and digital life.

Intro To The Power Of Words

How can words have power?

Why Are Butterflies So Colourful?

We go to Chester Zoo to answer one of your Big Questions on butterflies!

How Does Mail Get Delivered?

Are you wondering: How does mail get delivered? This question came from Violet, a student from Canada.

What's The Smallest Animal On Earth?

Are you wondering: What's the smallest animal on Earth? This question came from Brady, a student from Canada.

Intro To Nutrition

The goal for today's lesson is to explain the role of nutrition in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Absolute Value For Grade 6

Do you know how to figure out the absolute value of a number? In this video, you'll learn just that.

Mindful Moment: Kindness Affirmation

Follow along with Teacher Joel's voice in this 3-minute mindfulness practice that centres on kindness.

Financial Literacy: Sales Tax

YouthEducationHow-toPersonal Finance
Learn what this is and where it is used.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking relies on several factors—such as knowledge, analysis, and evaluation—to figure things out.

Mindful Moment: Energy And Joy

Join Teacher Joel for this brief mindfulness practice that promotes joy, boosts energy, and builds connection.

What Is Misinformation?

What types of misinformation might we see online? And why is it out there? KN contributor Aubrie Chan animated this video to help you understand the term better.

A Lot About Axolotls

Join Jessi and Squeaks as they learn about why axolotls have feathery gills and live in water, and how to protect their natural habitat.

The Element Of Form

Secrets of the Element of Form revealed - a fundamental concept for Art Education and Design Education.

Art Of Argument Recap

Review the world of writing an argument.