
You Are Your Microbes

Jessica Green and Karen Guillemin emphasize the importance of understanding the many organisms that make up each and every organism.

The Ice Bucket Challenge Actually Worked

The Ice Bucket Challenge raised millions of dollars for research into treatments for ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.

Rescuing Nibi

Baby beaver Nibi was rescued and now has uncanny object recognition.

How Does A Tiger Go To The Dentist?

We went to visit Elton, a tiger at Woburn Safari Park, to see him get a check-up from a pretty special dentist.

Burnout Explained

YouthHealthMental HealthScience
In this video, we explore burnout, a physical reaction in the body that can happen because of stress.

Which Sunscreen Should You Choose?

With so many options, how do you choose which sunscreen is best for you?

How Wildfire Smoke Affects Your Body

YouthGlobal WarmingHealthNature...
Isabelle MacNeil spoke to two doctors and an air pollution expert to find out how wildfire smoke can affect our bodies.

Can Laughter Reduce Pain?

Can laughter actually reduce the pain you experience? Tune in and watch this incredible experiment to find out!

Five Skin Health Myths To Stop Believing

Your skin is your body's largest organ ... but it might be the most misunderstood, says Dr. Jen Gunter.

How Stretching Changes Your Muscles

Dig into the science of stretching, and find out what it actually does to your muscles and how you can improve your flexibility.

Bedtime History: Tegla Loroupe

Learn about Tegla Loroupe, the little girl from Africa who grew up to be a famous marathon runner and an inspiration to her people.

Are Our Allergies Getting Worse?

YouthGlobal WarmingHealthEnvironment
Kids News contributor Arjun Ram investigates how issues like global warming may have impacted allergy season and what kids can do to get help.

The Guts

Today, we will learn about how your gut works through a rather gross science experiment.

2-Minute Focus Reset

Reset your focus with this quick mindfulness exercise.

How Your Immune System Works

Today, we are finding out how your immune system works through a science experiment!

How Does Our Sense Of Balance Work?

Today, you will learn about how you BALANCE!

Can You Freeze Your Body And Come Back To Life?

Dig into the field of cryobiology and explore the possibility of humans being frozen and preserved for future resurrection.

What Exactly Is Travel Sickness?

Learn all about travel sickness from Dr Chris and Dr Xand!

Animated Science: Nutrition

An animated short on the subject of nutrition and the importance of a balanced diet.

Why Do We Cough?

The doctors will explain this by teaching you all about your LUNGS in this lab experiment.

First Aid Training Compilation

Learn some basic first-aid skills with Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand on Operation Ouch!