Teacher Notes
Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - Infinitives & Verb-ing.
The following vocabulary words are used in this activity:
Students work with a partner and open the corresponding tab. On each page, students are presented with eight photos.
If it is Student One's turn, he or she looks at the photo on the page. Student Two asks, "Where did you go?" After Student One answers this question, Student Two asks, "Why did you go there?". At this point, Student One needs to use infinitive verbs to describe purpose to explain why he or she went to the place in the photo. Student Two should try to continue the conversation by asking "Why...?"
When the turn has finished, students should switch roles.
On Student One's Page:

Student Two Asks Questions:
Where did you go?

I went to a bookstore.
Why did you go there?

I went there to buy a book.
Why did you buy the book?

I bought the book to study English.